If you have an interesting story or unique experience, it’s not that hard to get paid for writing and sharing it with the press.
Hollywood is always looking for fascinating stories.
Sure, not everyone can sell their story for a movie or book, but there are dozens of websites, magazines and other publications out there that will actually pay you for your story.
To save you a bit of time, we’ve compiled a list of…
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17 Places to sell your story for cash
For most of these platforms, you don’t need to be an experienced writer to sell your story either.All you need is a compelling or interesting story that fits in with the publication you aim to sell it to.
1. The Greatist
- Potential earnings: Rates start at $125.
It also accepts personal stories.
The Greatist has a section called Unfiltered. It features personal stories that offer an honest look at what life looks like for 20- and 30-somethings today. Stories in this section tend to focus mainly on mental health, relationships and personal journeys about weight loss, body image, and health in general.
But, other topics, like social media and technology, are also covered.
If you think that you’ve got a personal experience that would fit the site, then you should definitely consider pitching it.
Your story should be written in first-person, be at 1,000 to 1,500 words and provide an honest perspective.
On this page, you can find more information about pitching to The Greatist.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://greatist.com/live/how-to-pitch-personal-stories-to-greatist
2. Motherwell
- Potential earnings: Motherwell state how much it pays writers.
Stories submitted to Motherwell must be up to 1,200 words.
- Where & how to pitch your story: https://motherwellmag.com/submissions/
3. We Buy Stories
- Potential earnings: £100 to £5,000 (this is a UK based platform)
It’s a UK focused platform.
This company specializes in selling people’s own stories to well-known newspapers, mostly in the UK, like the Mirror and the Daily Mail. It also works with well-known magazines, like Cosmopolitan, Grazia, Woman’s Own, OK! and Heat.
To get a feel for what types of stories We Buy Stories accepts, visit the page we linked below.
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- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.webuystories.com/
4. Dame Magazine
- Potential earnings: Pay varies. According to Dame Magazine, your rate is agreed upon when your submission is accepted.
The stories it accepts must be between 800 and 2,000 words.
According to Dame, the tone of the magazine is “irreverent, witty, and provocative.”
You can send an email to editorial@damemagazine.com if you want to pitch a story for consideration. You’ll need to send a query and/or pitch, describing your story. It should be around a paragraph.
If you’ like to learn more about Dame Magazine and read the submission guidelines, then check out the page below.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.damemagazine.com/about
5. Skirt
- Potential earnings: $200
Each month, the magazine publishes two personal essays focused on that months’ theme.
Themes range from romance to creativity.
Your essay must fit one of the magazine’s monthly themes, and be between 800 and 1,100 words.
You can see what the themes are for upcoming months by visiting the page we linked below. And, you can read more about how to submit a story on that page too.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.skirt.com/contribute/
6. Cracked
- Potential earnings: Pay varies, but it starts at $100 for full-length feature articles.
The website also has a Personal Experience section, which, as you can tell by the name, features people’s own personal stories.
If you think you’ve got a good story that would fit the tone of the website, then Cracked could publish it. All you need to do is pitch your story to the Personal Experience team, and you get paid.
Anyone can submit a story to the platform – you don’t have to be an experienced writer.
To get a feel for what type of content Cracked is looking for, check out the Personal Experience section.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.cracked.com/write-for-cracked/
7. Extra Crispy
- Potential earnings: Extra Crispy is another platform that doesn’t specifically state how much it pays.
Extra Crispy suggests that you read the blog before you submit a pitch. And that you also search Google to check that your story has been published on the site previously.
To contribute to the blog, you need to send a pitch, which should include a fully formed idea, to submissions@extracrispy.com.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.extracrispy.com/culture/185/how-to-pitch-extra-crispy
8. BuzzFeed READER
- Potential earnings: BuzzFeed Reader doesn’t state how much it pays.
This section is called BuzzFeed READER. According to BuzzFeed, READER is home for “cultural criticism, personal essays, fiction, and poetry”.
If you want to sell your own persona story to BuzzFeed Reader, then you can in the form of a personal essay.
It can be about almost any topic, like travel, religion, family, food or relationships. Your essay should have a strong voice and offer something valuable to the reader.
To learn more about what BuzzFeed Reader requires from a personal essay, visit this page.
- Where & how to pitch your story: https://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelysanders/how-to-pitch-essays-to-buzzfeed-reader
9. Boston Globe
- Potential earnings: The Boston Globe doesn’t state exactly how much it pays for personal stories. But, it does state that payment is made within 30 days of publication.
If you’ve got a personal story about a relationship of any kind, whether it’s between siblings, parents, and children, or friends, then consider pitching it to the Boston Globe.
Your essay needs to be around 650 words.
- Where & how to pitch your story: If you want to share your story with the Boston Globe, then you’ll need to send a query to magazine@globe.com. Make sure you put the word “query” in the subject line.You can also send your query the old fashioned way, via mail to Veronica Chao, editor, The Boston Globe Magazine, PO Box 55819, Boston, MA 02205-5819.
10. Kveller
- Potential earnings: Kveller doesn’t state exactly how much it pays writers.
The website is looking for personal, narrative driven essays, which are between 500 and 2,000 words, related to women’s issues and parenting.
Like many of the other websites and magazines on this list, Kveller suggests that you read the website thoroughly to get a clearer idea of what type of content it is looking for.
If you want to write for this Jewish parenting website, then send an email to submissions@kveller.com, and include the term “submission” in the subject line.
You’ll need to include your story within the body of the email, or attach it as a Word document.
Also, you need to include a brief bio, along with your contact information.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.kveller.com/article/submission-guidelines/
11. New York Times Magazine
- Potential earnings: The New York Times Magazine is another platform that doesn’t state how much it pays writers.
If you want to contribute your own personal story to the magazine, then take the time to read the Lives column first.
You can view it here.
Email your submission to lives@nytimes.com.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.nytimes.com/ref/magazine/lives_submit.html
12. Woman’s World
- Potential earnings: Woman’s World pays $250 per published story.
We actually published an in-depth post about the great potentials of submitting stories to the Woman’s World in our “How to Make $250 Fast” article.
The magazine focuses on beauty, food, décor and a number of other lifestyle topics. It also features personal stories.
If you’d like to share your story with the magazine, then send an email to WWFeatures@WomansWorldMag.com.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.womansworld.com/p/contact
13. The Frisky
- Potential earnings: The Frisky states that rates are competitive with other blogs, and that pay is negotiated upon assignment.
If you’ve got a story that fits in with the tone of the blog, then you should definitely consider pitching it.
The Frisky accepts a wide range of different content, including personal essays. It’s looking for personal essays on topics like family, work, travel, body image, sex, dating, confidence, and friendships.
Typically, personal essays are between 700 and 1,000 words.
The Frisky suggests that you read the blog before you send your pitch.
You can send your pitch via email to one of the site’s editors, megan@thefrisky.com, rebecca@thefrisky.com, and robyn@thefrisky.com.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.thefrisky.com/submissions/
14. Narratively
- Potential earnings: Narratively states that it pays for stories, but it doesn’t state how much.
It’s looking for unique human stories that are narrative driven.
It’s another platform that has themes. So make sure you check out the page we linked to below to see what types of stories Narratively is looking for.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://narrative.ly/contribute/
15. Salon
- Potential earnings: Salon doesn’t state what it pays writers. However, many people on writing forums and blogs state that the magazine pays between $100 and $200 per essay. Don’t assume that you’ll get paid that exact amount, however.
To submit an article or story pitch, send an email with the subject line “Editorial Submission”, which includes your query or submission in the body of the email.
Before you submit a pitch, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with Salon’s content.
You can view the personal stories section here.
Reading this section will give you an idea of what types of stories the magazine is after.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.salon.com/about/submissions
16. Slice
- Potential earnings: $250 for stories and essays
Slice Magazine features a plethora of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. You can submit your own personal story, but it must be compelling.
It’s another magazine, like Skirt, which has a theme for each issue.
They also accept poems and pay $75 per poem. Here is a list of other sites that pay for poems.
To view upcoming themes and to learn more about selling your story to Slice, visit the page below.
- Where & how to pitch your story: https://slicemagazine.org/submit/
17. The Mirror
- Potential earnings: The Mirror doesn’t state exactly how much it pays for stories, but it does assert that the more prominently your story is featured, the more it could be worth.
If you think that you have a compelling story that the Mirror would be interested in, then send an email to mirrornews@mirror.co.uk.
- Where & how to pitch your story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sell-my-story/
Bottom line
If you’ve got an experience to share, then why not sell your story to one of the platforms above?It’s a fairly easy way to make money, and you get the chance to share one of your own personal stories with a wide audience.
Whether you just want to make some money from selling your story, or are a writer interested in publishing your personal stories, you should definitely consider pitching to one of the websites, magazines or organizations on this list.